Stocking 60g

The RTBS would be fine, but be careful when choosing other bottom feeders because they are aggressive, keep one RTBS per tank. The tank is too small for clown loaches, also clown loaches must be kept in groups. What type of pleco were you planning on getting? Any pleco will fit really.
What else are you putting in the tank?
I have done a little research and come up with the following 4ft 60G Tank
2 Kissing Gouramis
1 Zebra Plec
2 Rams
10 Cardinal Tetras
2 Kribensis
5 Rosy Barbs
6 Scissor Tails

What do you think, will this look good.
Need opinions on RTBS and Rams in same thank

2 Kissing Gouramis - need a much bigger tank 120g+
1 Zebra Plec -won't be seen, won't eat algae & shouuld only be kept in breeding groups.
2 Rams -OK
10 Cardinal Tetras-OK
2 Kribensis- these or rams -not both.
5 Rosy Barbs - OK
6 Scissor Tails -Ok ,but boring IMO, there are brighter coloured fish to fill the same tank space.
1 RTBS -ok maybe -will be fine with kribs but not rams. Might get very boshy as it grows - 50:50 chance of it needing rehoming.

IIWY I'd forget the gouramis and look at a shoal of rainbows or mid sized barbs- unless you really want the cardinals in which case keep to smaller fish with a couple of peaceful larger fish -female moonlight gouramis could work?
You also have fish needing different temperatures & water parameters in the above list.
Well i'd really like kribs and an RTBS.

I'd like a few diffrent types of schooling or schoaling fish and 1 or 2 large fish (4 - 5 inches)

Could any type of loach fit in or does the previous post about bottom dwellers apply to all loaches?


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