Stocking 6 gallon tank


New Member
Apr 26, 2004
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I havent had any luck with my fish keeping so far.
I was a coldwater girl and had 2 shubunkins (which i now have been told are pond fish!!!), A weather Loach and a butterfly plec.
Anyway the loach took off half of one of my fishes tail and then nearly died.
The water that the loach and plec came in contaminated the water and now theyre both dead :-( i took the loach and plec back to the shop.)

Anyway i have started again today i have bought a heater and Ph tester.
I have set up my tank and left it running and i am picking some fish up tommorow. (as well as an amonia tester)

So what i want to know is what can i stock my tank with!?
I saw a puffer fish today and it said it was small I really really want it, BUT i thought puffer fish grow big.
Are there such thing as minature puffer fish? that stay small enough for a 6 gallon tank?
What other fish can i have?? i saw one fish that looked a little like a mini angel fish.

Please help.
you could keep or one or two dwarf puffer fish in a 6 gal. but they need plants and caves and such to establish territories. they would be all you could keep if you go that route. please read the articles in the pinned section and do some research as these litttle guys do have some special needs.

you could also go with a couple of livebearers, like three mollies, three platies, or some guppies. as a beginner, keep the one inch of fish per gallon rule in mind, especially ina tank that size. what type of filter do you have on it?

you could also go with one male betta.
hi, i have a fluval filter. the kind that suck in the dirty water and pump out clean water on the surface. along with an air pump

I would like a number of fish.
I was wondering is there a way of having lots of little fish or a couple of quite big ones??
Or is my tank just too small?
its a pretty small tank, so you'd be limited. i keep two dwarf puffers and two bumblebee gobies in a 5 gal without issue. i have extra filtration. you might get away with a couple of otos in additoin to the puffers if you want to go that route. otherwise, if you want something bigger, youre very limited with a 6 gal. you'd be better with a bigger tank, even a 10 gal will give you a little more versitility.
You wont be able to keep many fish in a 6 gall,and no way could you put an Angel fish in there,baby Angels may look small but they grow big and need a lot of space for their fins.If you over stock your tank your fish will just suffer and die,and you must take into account the size of the fish when fully grown.
ohhh i just remembered i saw little gold frogs. Are they ok to stock? could i have like 2 frogs and a puffer fish?
Also i saw a fish that was kind of like a diamond shaped angel fish but really really small?
I dont know what they are clled but could that be a consideration??
Thanks for your help guys!
Im no expert on frogs but the other fish you are on about if it is an Angel fish of any kind i would say no.
it didnt say angel fish on the tank.
They where diamond shape and where a silvery colour with a black line from top to bottom of their sides.

There where loads of little fish that i liked but how can i find out how big they will get? i dont want to buy something small now and find out it was a discuss fish that fills my tank!!! :p
They should be able to tell you how big they grow and if you find out what the fish are called that you like read up on them then you will also know what they are compatable with and also there requirements eg... size tank,what to feed them ,etc
another question.
Do fish get lonely?
If not could i get just one big fish or 2 medium fish ifi get them and add nohing else or is that just not at all possible.

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