Stocking 4ft tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
Hi, I am going to buy a new tank of Clover from these forums...!! V.Exciting :D Anyway the tank comes with 5 female bettas 1 male betta and a a pair of kribs. I was wondering what fish I can put in with these guys that will be compatible??

I really like dwarf Gouramis, Plecos, African dwarf frogs, Khulli loach, sailfin mollys......anything unusual...... not commonly found in an aquarium like neons!

Thanks for your help,
Well fist of all, you cant or really should put the male betta in with the females. And depending on the size of the tank if you have at least 4 females they should do fairly well if you keep an eye on them for awhile. Gouramis dont do to good with the bettas and sometimes will attack them. Mollies will do fairly well also with the female bettas and with the male probably if there is a sufficent amount of room.

With the others I am not quite sure and may need to wait for another opinion but....HTH.

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