Stocking 2 Foot Tank


New Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Perth, Western Australia
Im sure this has been asked before and I have been researching but id like peoples opinions..

I have a 2 foot tank (12 gallon/45 lites) tank that I have set up with fine sand and quite a few large rocks/caves/etc some small amount of Java moss. It has a Hagen Aquaclear Mini hang on filter (that claims 378 liters/hr), Heater, air stone, 5000K florescent bulb.. etc. Im wondering when it cycles what could I stock it with?

I really wanted some cichlids but realise the tank is prob too small and should best wait till I set up a 4 foot tank later on in the year where I can have a few in there. I briefly looked into a pair of rams or apistos but these seem to like wooded and planted type setups where the pH is obviously lower than in a sand/rock tank. My two other small tanks are planted tanks with gravel so I wanted to go with a sand/rock tank for something different.
how about having a group of Tanganyikan shelldwellers, like multis, :good:
Would this tank be big enough geo?


yup :nod:

ask in the african cichlid section for more info as im not sure how many you could keep, but its definitely big enough for some :good:

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