Stocking 100l


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2012
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Hey guys,

Sorry for not being on here and posting anything in ages but...

My tank has come a long way since then and I've learned a bunch of stuff and lost some fish but gained others.

But basically as with most fish keepers I am always learning.

So I'm looking for some advice.

Currently I have 4 cardinal tetra, 6 ember tetra, 3 panda corys, 1 Pleco and 1 clown loach.

At the moment they are all 2 inches or under (obviously tetra and Corys are maximum 0.75")

Anyway, I am obviously aware my clown loach and Pleco will, over time, grow to a much larger size.

I currently am running one filter with live plants and am going to get another brand new filter to 'over filter' so to speak.

However, all said and done at the moment I have great water parameters and weekly water changes blah blah blah but will I have a stocking issue as it stand in the future?

Thanks very much for your time!


EDIT: Little pic of my tank...

Looks empty! But still I am aware/concerned of stocking issues
Staying if possible but am definitely open for an excuse to upgrade to larger tank
Well I think clown loaches can get up to a foot long so it gets pretty big, not sure about your pleco as I don't know what type it is but most do get pretty big.
Those don't get to big and I would have thought it'd be fine in your tank, I'm not sure how much waste clown loaches but I'd moniter your nitrates as there are quite a few fish in the tank.
Yeah my nitrates are sitting around 30-40ppm so it's all good ATM plus getting more plants soon too!
Anyone else able to pitch in a bit?
Oh I see :/

Would it be possible to keep the loach and Pleco if I over filter?

Or is there a method in which I can keep my tank and the fish but maybe increase the water volume? Is that what external filters can do with a separate tank?
I believe clown loaches like to shoal in a group of at least 6, think a tank to allow this would need to be 4 foot long minimum. I recently purchased a 30 litre tank second hand to use as a hospital tank and it had a clown loach in it. My 180 litre still wouldn't be big enough, thankfully my lfs took him on to shoal with their clowns. I believe they will live a much shorter life span kept solitary and not shoaling for their normal behaviour. Sorry

You tube some clown loach set ups and you'll see, amazing! Good luck
If I have 30 gallons then according to the gallon rule I can have 30 inches of fish?

So my 5 ember tetra combined is a maximum of 3 inches,
My 4 cardinal tetra combined is a maximum of 2 inches,
My 3 pandas combined in a maximum of 4 inches.

2+3+4= 9

This leaves me with 21 inches of fish to play with? Now surely a my loach and pleco won't add up to that even as adults. (Maximum 6 inches for Pleco and around 7 inches for loach) Still leaves me with minimum 8 inches?

However I do appreciate that the issue with the clown loach is that it's alone but I'm talking water parameters and health of the fish.

i wouldn't get rid of the clown pleco as they don't get that big like 4 inches I think. Also that rule is pretty much useless just like the feed for 3 mins rule.When the loach starts to get bigger I imagine itll produce quite a bit of waste.
So there's no way of keeping my loach?

He's my favourite Darn fish!

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