Stocking 10 Gallon?


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2006
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once my guppies die off after while i want to move on to something different. what could i put in a 10 gallon with my betta? i'm just sick of livebearers lol. i was thinking maybe german rams since they don't get big, but i'm not sure. some suggestions would help :fun:
I'm afraid there's not much you could put in with the Betta as they can become aggressive towards other fish.
You could try some Pygmy Cories or maybe some Ottos, many people have had success keeping them together with no problems.
my betta has been with other fish for quite some time and he's okay with it unless they get in his way so i'm not too worried about other fish. i already have 2 ottos in there and i don't really want cories i already have some in my 20 gallon. i have 4 ghost shrimp though (for now until they die) i just wonder how the betta would get along with rams..
I've read in other threads that Betta's and Rams get along ok :)
i dont think rams and bettas would get along, just my opinion tho, never tried it.
maybe a shoal of "dull" tetras like black neons
maybe they mean when they die of old age, as they dont want to sell them or give them away, they are willing to look after the fish till they pass on...

as for the shrimps and betta, some shrimps are usally fine, amano and ghost shrimps are often ok with a betta. smaller shrimps like cherries usally get eaten.

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