
Danios and white clouds are extremely active fish and really need more swimming room than a 10 gallon provides. Corys are schooling fish and need to be kept in groups of at least 3 and preferable 6. White clouds also prefer cooler water than do corys.
I would do 5 corys, and a school of rasbora (whatever type you choose) maybe a few dwarf frogs? I agree that danios like a long tank i have seen some in a 24" tank and they do look a bit big for it.
Guppies? neons? Marbled Hatchet? Honey Gourami? Kuhli Loach? Dwarf puffer tank?

Thats all i can think of
Here is an idea: 2 khuli loach, 2 gouramis, 2 extra white clouds(they are 10 gal. safe.), 2 platys, and a glass catfish. Safe?
kuhlis like groups, as do glass cats, which also, i think, get big and may eat your smaller fish. i would say only 1 gourami as in my experience, TWO, is trouble. the dwarfs are territorial.

a small group of platys might be nice. you could get away with only three of them, but you will probably end up with fry.
I was thinking honey gouramis. I once kept a dwarf. I went to the Carib and he died(heater failure plus winter) as did a female platy, so all I had were four zebra danios, and a baby platy that I hadn't a calue about.

any thing else?
ah, well i hear honeys are more tame than dwarfs, but i've never had them. they're certainly cuter, anyway ;)

endlers are nice, too, if you're still looking for suggestions. 5 male endlers will be a pretty, stable group that won't result in babies every month. i don't know what sort of resources you have as far as stores/access to the internet goes, but a ten gallon would give you plenty of room for "nano fish". there's a number of examples here frank's aquarium, but you could probably find some of those fish elsewhere for cheaper shipping.

Gertrude's Rainbowfish are also small, pretty, and unique fish website

dwarf cories stay small, and otoclinus only get about an inch so you could probably have a proper shoal of either of them in a ten
Be careful about putting Oto's in a tank that doesn't have a healthy algae population yet. Oto's won't always except algae wafers. :/

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