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Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2010
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well, ive got this 10 gallon planted tank you see? and besides 6 small white cloud feeder minnows (which are really beutiful) Im looking for something a little bit more interesting. Any suggestions?

I was thinking a male and female Bolivian ram, as my water here is around 7-7.4 ish..
well, ive got this 10 gallon planted tank you see? and besides 6 small white cloud feeder minnows (which are really beutiful) Im looking for something a little bit more interesting. Any suggestions?

I was thinking a male and female Bolivian ram, as my water here is around 7-7.4 ish..

What are you feeding the minnows to?

I think a pair of Bolivian Rams would appreciate a bit more room than 10 gallons to be honest. What about a pygmy puffer tank, that would be pretty cool?
well, ive got this 10 gallon planted tank you see? and besides 6 small white cloud feeder minnows (which are really beutiful) Im looking for something a little bit more interesting. Any suggestions?

I was thinking a male and female Bolivian ram, as my water here is around 7-7.4 ish..

What are you feeding the minnows to?

I think a pair of Bolivian Rams would appreciate a bit more room than 10 gallons to be honest. What about a pygmy puffer tank, that would be pretty cool?

The minnows arent to feed anything, quite frankly they have very beutiful colors than anyone would expect under the better conditions of my tank compared to their bb holding tank (red fins with a bright neon blue stripe down the body, reminds me of neon tetras!). You sure a 10 gallon planted tank wouldnt be big enough for just 2 bolivian rams? they dont get very large at all.... Ive been told they could live more than happily, plus i put in a vase that has a hole in it for a cave if they pair up... any other suggestions besides the bolivian rams?
well, ive got this 10 gallon planted tank you see? and besides 6 small white cloud feeder minnows (which are really beutiful) Im looking for something a little bit more interesting. Any suggestions?

I was thinking a male and female Bolivian ram, as my water here is around 7-7.4 ish..

What are you feeding the minnows to?

I think a pair of Bolivian Rams would appreciate a bit more room than 10 gallons to be honest. What about a pygmy puffer tank, that would be pretty cool?

The minnows arent to feed anything, quite frankly they have very beutiful colors than anyone would expect under the better conditions of my tank compared to their bb holding tank (red fins with a bright neon blue stripe down the body, reminds me of neon tetras!). You sure a 10 gallon planted tank wouldnt be big enough for just 2 bolivian rams? they dont get very large at all.... Ive been told they could live more than happily, plus i put in a vase that has a hole in it for a cave if they pair up... any other suggestions besides the bolivian rams?

Bolivian rams wouldn't go in something that small. I wouldn't even put a single one in. There's no guarantee they will pair up, and they can be quite aggressive to each other. A tank that size doesn't give much space for the weaker one to get away
allright well i thought id ask and research first as allways before considering going out to buy. So if Bolivian rams get a tad bigger and such, what about German blue rams from a breeder? Id try and see if a male and female would pair up, and if not id seperate them to a different tank. The reason why i say breeder is since most LFS get their rams from the wild which need the lower ph and softer , ive talked to some GBR breeders who say that they raise their fry and their hatchlings in medium harder water with no ill effects for the ease of keeping and breeding, and my water just so happens to be a bit on the hard side (7.4 ph)ould a pair (ill try to make them breed or t least pair up) be fine for the sole inhabitents of my HEAVILLY (meaning lots of place to not be seen) 10 gallon tank? Im even going out today to aquire even more plants.
allright well i thought id ask and research first as allways before considering going out to buy. So if Bolivian rams get a tad bigger and such, what about German blue rams from a breeder? Id try and see if a male and female would pair up, and if not id seperate them to a different tank. The reason why i say breeder is since most LFS get their rams from the wild which need the lower ph and softer , ive talked to some GBR breeders who say that they raise their fry and their hatchlings in medium harder water with no ill effects for the ease of keeping and breeding, and my water just so happens to be a bit on the hard side (7.4 ph)ould a pair (ill try to make them breed or t least pair up) be fine for the sole inhabitents of my HEAVILLY (meaning lots of place to not be seen) 10 gallon tank? Im even going out today to aquire even more plants.

I don't think it's big enough for 2 regardless of paired up or not. I'm not even sure it's big enough for a single ram tbh
Let the tank mature for a month or so with the WCMM and then perhaps gradually add a few "hillstream loach" that need the similar high current and low temp (20-22C) setups as your existing fish? The time delay, with weather like most have had in the past week, should rapidly initiate an algae bloom (ideally add some rounded boulders for algae to grow on besides the tank walls).

Rams need much warmer water than is good for your WCMM, even Bolivians.
Let the tank mature for a month or so with the WCMM and then perhaps gradually add a few "hillstream loach" that need the similar high current and low temp (20-22C) setups as your existing fish? The time delay, with weather like most have had in the past week, should rapidly initiate an algae bloom (ideally add some rounded boulders for algae to grow on besides the tank walls).

Rams need much warmer water than is good for your WCMM, even Bolivians.

Thanks for the idea! But my heater can move up to higher temps which id be willing to easily do along with lower ph a bit. If i found a proven pair, could the GBR work?
hmm i suppose ill just try something else.... dwarf gourami's possibly..

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