Stock My Tank


Fish Herder
Sep 15, 2002
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Hey all, I should soon be getting rid of my tank (2 1/2 foot) ....and getting a 2.7 foot lol ;) ....which will hold twice the water :rolleyes:

I should be getting a Tropiquarium 88 (33 1/2 x 14 1/2 x 21 1/2 ) 30gallon/130 litres. It will have a Biolife 55 wet/dry filter AND/OR an external fluval 303. I will use fine black gravel and it will be planted.

Now what fish... :devil: :D I was thinking some clown loaches, possibly coolie loaches (shoalers? if i can locate them) a couple of different plecs, some ottos, guppys, maybe dwarf gouramis, some herlaquin rasboras, maybe a shoal of neons.

Now u say what U would stock it with ;) B) :fun:
Go Biotope m8! ...and do the loaches/dwarf gouramis/rasbora thing with maybe danios as well (Pearls look gr8 in a large shoal) or go S.American with the Plecs and Dwarf Cichlids and Corys and Tetras.

2 Ottos
2 Bristlenoses
3 Apistogramma Cichlids (1 male, 2 females)
A shoal (half dozen) of Corys
BIG shoal of Neons
5 Marbled Hatchets

Plant heavy around back and sides and use floaters such as Amazon Frogbit. Roots look gr8 when trailing down. I think with plants the Biolife will be Ok on its own... :fun:
Cheers gibbo.....hmmmm decisions decisions :crazy: :thumbs: :D

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