Stirring Sand Vs. Pump


New Member
Nov 18, 2012
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When stirring the sand in my tank, should I turn off the circulation pump as the sand is trying to settle?
I would else you'll get sand everywhar. Not for too long though, why not get snails to do the work for you.
You shouldn't need to stir the sand in a marine tank. That's part of the roll of CUC animals (like the snails techen mentioned), to keep the sand bed gently turned over without causing the sandstorm that manual stirring can.
I have, 9 hermit crabs, 3 turbo snails, and 3 sand sifting snails, is that enough to clean the sand? I thought even with them I was suppose to stir the sand. Any recommendations on which snails and how many I need for a 40 gallon tank that's been up and running for three months now? I only have 2 clown fish in this tank. Thx for everything!!
Am guessing the snails are doing there job I wouldn't worry about it too much. You should be fine with those.

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