Stiphodon Gobies


Fish Crazy
Oct 31, 2011
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Anyone else keep any?

I have recently added 2 Stiphodon Elegans gobies to my tank and there's not a ton of info out there, so would love to talk freshwater goby with anyone who has experience. :)

My LFS has them listed as "Elegant Algae-Eating Goby" but I've seen them online listed as Green Riffle Gobies and also Neon Gobies.

They eat algae wafers readily, and I've also seen them eat bits of flake that makes it to the bottom of the tank. I tried zucchini once but they didn't touch it - they may eventually, we shall see. They are not shy in regards to me being around or anything at all. The male gets a bit ornery at feeding time especially and will chase the female away, but doesn't bother any other fish and doesn't seem to do any damage to her... she will still approach him and hasn't lost any color that I can tell. I am sure that she gets her own algae wafer bit. :) Overall, they move around a decent amount, are adorable, and perch themselves all over rocks, plants, driftwood, or the glass on the side of the tank.
I have the spraybar of the tank pointed at the side of one wall (lots of filtration, too much to go the length of the tank), but they hang out on the other side also where the current isn't as strong - I thought they'd choose the "current side" of the tank to spend much of their time, but they seem happy to go anywhere.

The female


The male

Would love to hear your experiences and any input on keeping these guys happy.
Here are a few photos of the ones i had, they were meant to be Stiphodon atropurpureous but I suspect they are S. elegans. Thats what i was told anyhoo! lol

Not convinced they are Elegans, they arent the same species as yours not that I look! Definately Stiphodon but...







i cant rerally spaek goby with you but i know that they eat aufheches (spelling) and that they like flowing water what size tank are they in anyways you might want 2 find an article in pfk mag about them
Here are a few photos of the ones i had, they were meant to be Stiphodon atropurpureous but I suspect they are S. elegans. Thats what i was told anyhoo! lol

Not convinced they are Elegans, they arent the same species as yours not that I look! Definately Stiphodon but...
Gobies are so cute. :) I have read in forums where they have long discussions about identifying Stiphodon species, so I won't even bother guessing your guys. I will say that I did a google search on the atropurpureous and I can see similar patterning... but really, I am clueless as far as ID goes.

Does yours have any color on it's face, side, or dorsal fins? Kind of hard to tell in your photos. I guess they develop as they grow older, and I also read that they will sometimes change their coloration some with mood.

Do yours eat any fresh veggies?

i cant rerally spaek goby with you but i know that they eat aufheches (spelling) and that they like flowing water what size tank are they in anyways you might want 2 find an article in pfk mag about them
I have a 65 gallon. Mine munch on algae they can find, and they also happily eat algae wafers.

I would love to read an article about them! Will have to go try and find how to seark PFK archive articles.

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