Still thinking about moving my ADF in the 10 gal

I used to feed mine with a turkey baster. It might take a week or so, but once they figure it out, he'll eat right from the baster.

What do you feed him?

I would feed mine frozen or live blood worm twice a week, and Wardly freeze-dried tubiflex worms.
I feed him frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, and those frog and tadpole bites that come in the small bottles.

How exactly would I do the turkey baster idea?
I would put the food in a glass with a little tank water, suck it up with the baster (just an inch or 2), then slowly put the food in front of him.

It takes a little practice, but a in a 10g it shouldn't be too hard.
It's really easy to do. The frogs will sometimes even learn that their food is coming from the eyedropper/turkey baster, and get excited and snappy at the eyedropper/turkey baster.
I have a little syringe I used to feed Nugget with...if I sterilized and cleaned it do you think that would work? And how should I go about cleaning it?
Ok, I moved him in. floated him in a cup, and netted him in. He is kinda freaked out, not really moving, laying there. The neons are nipping at him a little. I'm worried about him, will he be OK in there?

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