Still Stressed?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2005
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My little CT BF girly still is clamping her fins. Its not all the time though, which is the puzzling part. Half the time she will be swimming around normally, fins spread wide, then the other half the time she will swim around or sit with the clamped tight.

I’ve test the water, everything is perfect no ammonia or nitrite. The nitrate is super super low so I doubt it would be that. I changed out 50% of the water last night just to be doubly sure all was well. The tanks is at 78-80 degrees always too.

The other fish that is in the same tank with her (divided) is perfectly happy not showing a clamped fin in the slightest.

I’ve checked here and looked at anything that had clammed fins as a sign, and she doesn’t seem to have any of those illnesses.

The only thing I can think of is either stress or perhaps she’s being ‘submissive’ to her neighbor when she gets a glance through the divider?

Should I treat the water with any antibiotics just for saftys sake? I have some maracyn-two sitting on hand as a ‘just in case’ drug since I was worried that they may come from Thailand with fin rot or something of that nature.

Sorry, long rant, just a worried mommy. :)

All the other fish are as healthy and happy as can be. Phew! hehe

Hi Silvani. :)

If you've had the fish for less than a week, it's probably just her settling in. Both my boys did that for several days when I first brought them home.

If she doesn't improve soon, or if she stops eating and/or develops symptoms of disease, that's when you should be worried. Don't be sorry for a long post though; it just proves that you love your baby! :)

I wouldn't medicate unless there is something specific to treat... maybe you could add a bit of salt to ease the stress. Hope this helps! :thumbs:
Thanks Splish. I appreciate the info! :)

I feel better knowing that. They just got here on Wednesday so its way less than a week. I’ll still be keeping a close eye on her though just to make sure nothing else develops.

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