Still problems with my Black Mollies


New Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Beautiful California!!!!!!
I posted a bit ago about one Black Molly bugging my other Black Molly. This is still happening. One seems to almost swipe the other with it's tail and will NOT leave the other one alone! UGH! I thought they were supposed to be friendly fish? I can't tell but they both seem to be girls? Any ideas why this is happening?

mollies can be quite agressive. my dalmation molly thinks she rules the tank and constantly chases and nips my other fish, especially the platy. there's nothing i can do about it and i don't want to give her up. none of the fish appear hurt or are hiding from her so i'm just gonna leave them alone. if your mollie is physically injuring the other mollie, you might want to separate them but if not, i would say just leave them or maybe get a male mollie, but then you'll have babies to deal with

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