still poorly betta...


Fish Crazy
Apr 14, 2004
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Bif my female fighter is still poorly with what looks like her nose has fallen off.Ive found out by looking closer that its not he nose but part of her lip has fallen off and hanging on.I still cant figure out how this has happened but all i can do i give her medicine.the prob is that soon as i put in the medicine she started getting white cloudy stuff on her mouth.How come the medicine has done this?
Can you take photos of this?

It sounds like some sort of fungus, by the "white cloudy stuff" description, but I am by no means any authority on the matter.

It doesn't sound good for the poor girl, either way. What are you treating her with? I hope she gets better.
well it started with her nose looking funny and i found out a bit of her lip had fallen off.Since ive put the medicine shes had that fungus and another fish has had it since ive had the medicine in.Im using protozin,its that blue stuff.
Blue stuff? I have lots of blue medicines... Nox ich is blue, (for velvet and ich, which none of those match) and methelyene blue..

It sounds like whatever it is may be contagious -- do not use the same containers/buckts/hoses/nets on the healthy and unhealthy tanks -- that can make it spread.I would keep a contaiminated water bucket and a non-contaiminated water bucket for changes if you have tanks large enough to need buckets.

I'd also wash your hands very very well before handling different fish houses -- that is all i can really suggest to try to keep it from spreading.

I don't really know what to tell you to solve it -- I would check the bottles of the medicines you are looking at to see if the symptoms match what you are dealing with. I swear by Jungles, nox ich and meth. blue for most of my fishie treatments -- and a little bit of good old fashioned aquarium salt for my betta houses.

Have you added any salt to the tank? Maybe it'll help a little bit. Salt basically helps to promote healing.

I really wish you luck. Your poor babies!
wont salt hurt her.I dont think theres really any need to seperate them now because my platys have it too but bif seems to not get over it.My other fish are happy and acting like it doesnt bother them.i think the medicine is methalayne blue.Its called protozin,thats the brand i think.

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