still no luck


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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im never getting another tank. NEVER. my brother has so many things that he wants and I cant have another tank. I only want 10 or 15 gallons. :-( Im so discuraged. All I want is a tank for gupppies and platties. Is that so much to ask for? :-(
Well.....I take it you still live at home?? :/

Just think, you can have as MANY tanks as your heart desires when you are off on your own...... :nod: Well, as many as your significant other will allow B) :lol:
no, she likes my guppies, well the babies at least. I thought my dad liked them because he always says that he likes sertain tanks and fish, etc. But I guess not.
And when I move out and get married my wives going to be someone that lies fish, if she doesdnt Im going to make her like them with the tanks Ill have. But i only want one new one, and not a big one either. And we even have a room were the fish go and the cats. So we have a fish pet room. My parents said that I sidned an agreement to get no more tanks, but that was only because if I didnt the fish would get flushed and the tank back to the store, and i couldnt let anything happen to my little fish now could I? lol. Oh and heres the BEST part. My brother wasnmt supposed to have more then one guitar because those things are exensive and really how many do ya need? But my aunt got him one as a gift. But my mom said that if I got a tank as a gift it would have to be returned. Really nice ha? I mean my moms nice and all, but she just doesnt understand. This is what I like to do. And i should be able to have one more tank. My brother has 2 guitars and 1 HUGE amp, that he never uses, a paint ball gun, a pocket nive, 2 skate boards, and 1 snowboard and 2 fishing poles and all the things for it, but I cant have a 15 gallon tank. And for the longest time I wanted a hamster, but I couldnt get one, yet my brother has dangerous things. Oh and he feels so deprived because he cant have a $5000 dirt bike.
But I guess its because hes the youngest and everyone spoils them. But Im smarter and nicer! Doesnt that count for anything! lol.

And if I even mention fsh I get my head bit off.
Hey you know, i know exactly how you feel.

The youngest siblings ALWAYS get everything, and they just forget us. I hate that.

i know. And we were there first. If it wasnt for us they wouldnt be parents. Spoil us too! lol. i probly couldnt even get another 1 gallon tank either, not that there is any live bearers that can go in it.
I bugged my parents till they got me the 65, thanks to advice from my chat buddies :D . But they've put their foot down. NO MORE TANKS. End of story. No more arguing now. I suppose what they did to you too?

yeah, and I have one. I just want two. and not a big one, i dont think I could handel a big one yet. A 30 would be my maximum size Id go, but I like 15's and 10's theyre a small size and good for the fish I want. Oh and another thing, we were near petco the other night and i needed to ghet some more danios because they were harrasing other fish, well I said that they would probly kill the fish that they were harrasing if they werent kept in groups. Well of course they killed it, and that was my fault because I got "mean fish" when we all know that danios are nice, just need to be in groups. Oh and another, I made a litte betta tank thing last night and I moved them to the shelf in the fish/cat room. My dad says dont let that fall, and I asked why? And guess what he said, he doesnt want his rug to get wet! He didnt even care about my bettas!
I've had the "no more tanks!" arguement as well.
I can only keep tanks in my bedroom because one of our cats is a complete loon and has a nasty habit of breaking into things (anything with a lid basically gets broken into). I'll be getting a new chest of drawers so I asked if I could get another 15G tank to keep puffers in and I got told "no more tanks" - but I can see where they're coming from though, I only have one electric socket in my room and they don't want me to nuke it :lol:
We have plenty of plugs. And my dad has an electrician friend that can probly get us one of those mulri-plug things. Well at least you have two. But I do have a 1 gallon, so i guess that will have to count as my 2nd one. I dont think platties and guppies can go in that though, ha?
i guess i can understand how you feel. my mom doesn't want to have any tanks. she has this whole philosophy that animals shouldn't be kept at home or something. luckily my dad is on my side since he's been a fishkeeper most of his life and he got me another tank. i'm still hoping to get a big tank but i don't think it's going to happen. oh and the sibling thing, it's the same for me. the youngest ones get so spoiled it's not even funny and i'm the first born and the only girl :rolleyes:
and I tell my parents that the baby gets spolied and they get so mad. my uncle is the baby and was the favorite, even in the books i read the baby sibling is always the parents favorite.
and she says that its because we dont have to go out every week for my brothers stuff and that its a skill and fish keeping isnt. when i was in 9th grade i took keyboarding so i could get out of french with that horrible women who taught it, and i needed a piano thing to practice on, we got it when class was 3/4 way over. havent touched it yet and they seemed mad that i didnt play it. but the brother never touches guitars and thats okay. i think he needs to sell them.

oh and he had an 8th grade graduation party,i never had one of those.
aquarius said:
oh and the sibling thing, it's the same for me. the youngest ones get so spoiled it's not even funny and i'm the first born and the only girl :rolleyes:
opposite for me - I'm the youngest and I get nothing.

everything I've got came out of my own pocket - my fish, my guinea pigs, my rabbits, my dvd player & dvds, cd's - the lot was paid for by me. And I hardly get any money.. I spent the last 4 years having next to no social life so I could buy things for myself to enjoy.

My brother however gets over £100 a week, scrounges money all the time & if theres anything I REALLY want - he'll buy it. He even went to Japan because I said I wanted to go! 90% of this stuff is paid for by my parents.

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