no, she likes my guppies, well the babies at least. I thought my dad liked them because he always says that he likes sertain tanks and fish, etc. But I guess not.
And when I move out and get married my wives going to be someone that lies fish, if she doesdnt Im going to make her like them with the tanks Ill have. But i only want one new one, and not a big one either. And we even have a room were the fish go and the cats. So we have a fish pet room. My parents said that I sidned an agreement to get no more tanks, but that was only because if I didnt the fish would get flushed and the tank back to the store, and i couldnt let anything happen to my little fish now could I? lol. Oh and heres the BEST part. My brother wasnmt supposed to have more then one guitar because those things are exensive and really how many do ya need? But my aunt got him one as a gift. But my mom said that if I got a tank as a gift it would have to be returned. Really nice ha? I mean my moms nice and all, but she just doesnt understand. This is what I like to do. And i should be able to have one more tank. My brother has 2 guitars and 1 HUGE amp, that he never uses, a paint ball gun, a pocket nive, 2 skate boards, and 1 snowboard and 2 fishing poles and all the things for it, but I cant have a 15 gallon tank. And for the longest time I wanted a hamster, but I couldnt get one, yet my brother has dangerous things. Oh and he feels so deprived because he cant have a $5000 dirt bike.
But I guess its because hes the youngest and everyone spoils them. But Im smarter and nicer! Doesnt that count for anything! lol.
And if I even mention fsh I get my head bit off.