Still Couldn't Decide


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2007
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Ok, I'll try to make it simple..
1. Is it possible to house a peacock spiny eel in a 35gal? What is the stocking ratio?
2. Is it possible to house a senegal bichir in a 35gal? What is the stocking ratio?
3. Can I keep a Macrognathus aculeatus (peacock spiny eel) and a senegal bichir together in a 35g?

If the answer for questions 1 or 2 is 'possible',
1. What type of tankmates can a peacock spiny eel have?
2. What type of tankmates can a senegal bichir have?

Hope it doesn't look like some exam questions..but I'm getting a wondering what fish to add.
Thanks in advance
you can have both of them in a 35 gallon tank by themeselves and so im pretty sure you can have the peacock eel and a senegal bichir together. as for what fish can be with them, any fish that is at least half the length of the adult fish so it wont be eaten.

-hope ive helped in some way
What are the diamensions? The longer, wider the better, they dont use height well.
Are you planning on keeping plants?
What I would suggest is:
1 male 4 female halfbeaks
1 peacock
and a small (say 5 members) shoal of something arround the 3-4" mark, like bleeding heart tetras
Spiny eels dont like plants, they tend to dig them up so its not best to keep them with plants, allthough mine have been ok so far, with little digging.
honestly i feel a 35gal is just okay. but bigger tanks would be much better. yeah what are your dimensions? you could have a 100gal but if its because your tank is real tall but skinny, it doesnt help. senegal bichirs and peacock eels need at least 2 or 3 feet i think. this applies only to these two. other bichirs and spiny eels grow real big and require at least a 5x2x2.

both the senegal and the peacock would be fine with fishes bigger than its mouth. stay away from aggressive fishes that are really territorial.
I'm not entirely sure of the dimensions because I havn't still got it. But what I do know is the length is 36 inches. Width is about 14 and height about 16 inches, although I'm not 100% sure.

So? What do you guys think?

I like the halfbeak idea too. What is the stocking ratio of halfbeaks?

and another thing..i dont mind overfiltering it also..something like 160+ gph
if its like those dimensions then you should be fine. personally i dont have any experience with halfbeaks so i cant help you out there
Stocking ratio of halfbeaks: 1 male per tank, as many females as you want, however more than 3 per male is best. I would go for 4 females and one male.
Overfiltering would not be 160 gallons per hour. You want atleast 175 gallons per hour for a 5x turnover, and for preds the bigger the better for over filtering.

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