Stess Zyme, Cycle, And Biospira


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Columbus, OH
So, what's the difference between Stress Zyme, Cycle, and Biospira? I can't afford spending $40 on 1 oz of BioSpira right now, so I had bought the Stress Zyme, since it said it also contains live bacteria for cycling your tank. Why then is everyone telling me the Stress Zyme is a piece of garbage, I'm wasting my money, and I need the Biospira that I can't afford? How do you really know if the Biospira is all what it's cracked up to be too, then?
I can tell you BioSpira does work and is made by a fantastic company, MarineLand. I used it with great success and posted a thread about my results.

$40 for one ounce?? I paid $12 and I'm in the USA too. Check the MarineLand site for local MarineLand dealers (enter your zip code). If they don't have it, they can order some for you. Just keep it refrigerated till you are ready to use it.
I can't say anything about Biospira, seeing as I don't even know if you can get it in New Zealand, but I had excellent results cycling with Stress Zyme. Admittedly there were a few other factors involved (I'd just realised the local council was lying about the water not being chlorinated and started dechlorinating), but once I did and added Stress Zyme the tank went through a complete cycle (with fish) in less than a week. Now, like I said, it's possible that was just the water being dechlorinated - but that was still very fast. So I'll give the product some credit.

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