Sterilize Live Plant???


Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
I had a live plant in with my recently passed Betta, how can I sterilize it so that I can put it in a different tank?

Thanks! ;)
While I was surfing eBay one night I found this seller Grams Garden and Attic Treasures. The auctions state as follows -

"All plants are treated prior to shipping with Potassium Permanganate which kills all bacteria and parasites. Please don’t introduce untreated plants to your pond or aquarium. "

It sounds like a solution of the PP and water is used but I don't know the exact proportions. Maybe an e-mail to the seller?
You can do a bleach dip, at 20 to one ratio of water and bleach (so make sure it's very mild) then scrub them and rinse,rinse,rinse. Allow them to dry and rinse again and again.

:lol: ,all this time with no reply and Kierana and I post in the same minute :lol:
Wuv - I think it's a live plant...
you can't chlorine dip that, can you?

I would say to dip it in a salt solution - a very strong salt solution.
Wuv - I think it's a live plant...
you can't chlorine dip that, can you?
Yes, if it's a thick skinned, hardy plant you can dip it for from 5-10 minutes. The more delicate plants should be dipped for around two to five.
I hear hornwort will die quite quickly in bleach though.

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