Sterbai fry


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
New York
I woke up yesterday morning to find that my Sterbai corys' eggs had hatched. :thumbs:

This is the first time the sterbais have bred and until now I wasn't even entirely sure I had a male and female--there is some, but very little difference in size. After breeding bronze and albino corys, I expected to see big clusters of eggs in a few spots on the tank glass, but these guys laid them in little groups of 2 or 3 eggs, all over the place.

Well, there aren't too many fry, but more than I can easily count.

I'm so happy to know that I have a pair of these beautiful corys and that they will breed for me the same way the other corys have. And they are young so there will probably be more eggs the next time. And I still have 4 more of them that are not yet old enough to breed. :D
well a very big CONGRATS!!! is needed for you today inchworm.. that is great news that your sterbai's spawned. did you do anything different to get them to spawn from when spawning your aeneus cory's??? any info on conditioning them and spawning would be great. i myself have 4 adult c. sterbai and would love to give them a go at spawning one of these days. right now i am loading them up on bloodworms to fatten them up and hoping the females are filling with eggs.. who knows.. maybe i will be posting something similar to this in the next month or so...
congrats Inchworm :D little cory fry must be so cute. i was meaning to ask before but forgot, do you have a separete tank for your cories?
aquarius said:
congrats Inchworm :D little cory fry must be so cute. i was meaning to ask before but forgot, do you have a separete tank for your cories?
Thanks, Aquarius :)

Right now I have corys all over the place! :lol: But I am in the process of rearranging my fish so within a few days I hope to have all the adult corys in one 20 gallon long tank. Ruby, :wub: my betta, will be the only fish on the top of the tank.

Three of my 10 gal. tanks have cory fry, but some of them are big enough to come out and go in another tank with other young corys. This will give the smaller ones room to grow and less competition for food.

BTW, one of my local Petland Discounts is getting rid of a row of tanks and selling them really cheap. ($4 for 10 gal w/glass cover and $10 for 20 also w/ glass cover)
I don't know if all their stores will be doing that, but since you are in NY I thought I'd mention it. If so, you may be able to get a bargain in a used tank. I'm going to get 4 of the 20 gallon ones. :thumbs:
wow, you must have a lot of tanks. i was just wondering if cories needed to be kept separate from the other fish in order to breed, since you have such luck with them :)

:cool: thanks for the tip, i'll definitely check it out. i was gonna go there either today or tomorrow, don't trust them with the fish but they usually have cheap supplies
madattiver said:
...did you do anything different to get them to spawn from when spawning your aeneus cory's??? any info on conditioning them and spawning would be great. i myself have 4 adult c. sterbai and would love to give them a go at spawning one of these days. right now i am loading them up on bloodworms to fatten them up and hoping the females are filling with eggs..
Hi Madattiver :)

I'm glad to hear you have sterbai corys too. I hope when yours have bred we can compare notes. :nod:

Actually, I did pretty much the same thing I did with the bronze corys to get them to breed. I turned off the heater and waited.

After a few days I saw two groups of two eggs each; that was all. The next morning, in hopes of getting them started again, I did a partial water change of about 30%-40% using cold water. Later that day they laid a few more. The next day I did the same thing and got more eggs. I didn't want to push it after that since it was their first time, and because I didn't know how the colder water would effect the eggs that were already laid.

Like I said earlier, there are not too many fry, but at least I know I have a pair and that their eggs will hatch. My other 4 are still much younger than these two and so I kept them out of the breeding tank, but if they were all the same maturity I would have bred them together like I do with the bronze.

The bronze tend their eggs more than the sterbai did, but I used some methylene blue in the water and did not have much problem with fungus developing.

The temperature drop was from about 78 degrees to about 72 degrees. When I did the water changes I brought it down to 70 degrees and after a time it came back up to 72 degrees which seems to be room temperature where they are.

Hummm.....anything I missed?

If I can be of any more help, just let me know. And good luck with yours! :thumbs:
cool, thanks for the post inchworm. right now i have 4 adults in one of my tanks i am trying to get them to spawn in.. the tank consists of sand substrate, plants are java fern, java moss and corkscrew val, there is one large peice of driftwood and a broken pot. i have been feeding them lots of bloodworms twice a day for the last 3 or 4 days now. i am also keeping them around 72-74... should i increase the temp in the tank???

it looks like i have 2 pairs in the tank as the they always travel in 2's chasing each other.. or playing follow the leader.. who really knows. but when u look from the top 2 have a noticeably wider body, which i assume is the females... and 2 are much more slender, which i think are the males. i will keep an eye on them.. keep feeding them lots of bloodworms and maybe will get some earthworms to shop up for them.. and will keep you updated if there is a spawn that happens

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