Fish Herder
Hi everyone,
Was just wondering if anyone had recorded these corys eating plants like cryptocorynes etc before? I have a few of these in a planted tank with crypts, vallis, swords, java fern and java moss. Since getting them though, I've noticed a few of the crypt leaves looking a bit munched and thought that these guys must be the culprits. Has anyone had this happen to them or is it maybe something else in the tank that has turned veggie
Was just wondering if anyone had recorded these corys eating plants like cryptocorynes etc before? I have a few of these in a planted tank with crypts, vallis, swords, java fern and java moss. Since getting them though, I've noticed a few of the crypt leaves looking a bit munched and thought that these guys must be the culprits. Has anyone had this happen to them or is it maybe something else in the tank that has turned veggie