Sterbai Cory With Fuzzy Head


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2009
Reaction score
Tank - 200L - fish only added over the last 2-3 weeks following a fishless cycle ( no ammonia/nitrites have been observed since fish were added - tested daily
Number of plants with various wood (mopani, bog and redmoor root)
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5
PH - 7.0
GH -7
KH - 5
Temp - 25-26

Sterbai Cory - 6
Bandit Cory - 4
Angelfish - 1
Black neon tetra - 7
Rosy tetra - 9
Spotted Raphael catfish - 1

One of the Sterbai Cory has developed a fuzzy/dusty head (picture attached). This appears to be something which is on the surface of his head, and not something which has a cotton wool texture. All fish are feeding well, including fuzzy head and he is swimming happily around with the other corys. this was first observed 4 days ago and has not noticably worsened since.

Sterbai fuzzy head_compressed.JPG

I would appreciate any suggestions.
OK, Sterbai still behaving normally, eating well, socialising etc, but still concerned about his greyish head. Since the fish are new to the tank, I am starting to question whether he may always have had this colouration (although I doubt it).

Posibly paranoia setting in, as I may be seeing things, but believe my angelfish has developed a rusty glow on her head, and have read that Velvet can appear this way.

Is there any harm/risks in treating the tank for velvet?
sounds like a mucus overproduction to me. My goldfish got this before i went to trops and i gave them interpets anti slime med and within a few days it had cleared up.

Even with perfect water stats sometimes they will get under the weather
treated the tank with anti slime and velvet - interpet no 7, 5 days since i added and no change.

pics of my otherwise happy cory, Fuzzy patch still just on his head although I'm certain it has spread slightly, water stats all good as stated on original post


Just saw this and looked at my sterbai 4 out of 8 have the same thing, they look and act fine but they have patches were is look like someone hass tanken a rubber to their scales. Ill be on google and will post back if i find anything
I suggest an initial 50% water change, followed by daily 25% water changes for the next 10 days. Follow up with weekly w/c of 50% and good gravel vac as maintenance.

Good luck

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