Static Electricity?


New Member
Mar 4, 2008
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Lincolnshire United Kingdom
I get an electric shock when i put my hand into the Aquarium water.
I have disconnected all electrics & can still get a shock.
I wonder if it could be static electricity generated by the water flow?
my tank is 150 gallon with 2 external filters so there is quite a flow, also one flow enters at 90degrees to the other could this cause a problem.
the fish are fine so it seams quite strange
your coments would be appreciated
Many of us have similar problems. i found mine was caused from a lighting unit that was not even on the tank, but once disconnected it was ok.

Just unplug every thing till u find what it is causing it.
May be something not even connected to the tank so check it all.

If you can find the source what u can do is earth then water but placing a wire in the water and earthing it.
You have a fault then if you getting a shock when you put your hands in the tank.
Could be any of the electric equipment.
Always unplug everything before you put your hands in the tank.
Stray voltage in a tank can cause darting, and bent spines in fish.
And I thought fish diseases, bacterias, viruses, water temperature, overstocking and chemical inbalance were all we had to deal with.
Think again! Cats, mice, spiders, too much coffee, the neighbours dog and even noisy children - they can all cause stress in humans... :p

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