Starved to death??


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia! :-)
Bubba, my favourite fish, an Angolan downpoker (type of elephantnose) was found dead today. :sad:

Water parameters are all OK, highest is nitrate 5ppm

Can these fish starve to death?
I usually syringe in thawed bloodworms to his cave but haven't done that for about four days.

:rip: Bubba
Yes picky eating fish like Mormyrids can and frequently do starve to death when kept in community tanks, this is why it is advised that they only be kept in species tanks or with fish with completely different feeding requirements. A diet of just frozen bloodworms will not give a fish the balanced diet that is needed to keep a fish healthy and promote good growth, bloodworms are quite poor nutritionally and although a fish may appear to be eating well it will not be getting the vital proteins that it needs. For Mormyrids i suggest a diet which includes live bloodworm, live daphnia and live brineshrimp on a weekly basis with frozen being used to fill in the days inbetween.

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