Startup Costs Of A Nano


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
OK...we frequently see questions on the costs of starting up a nano tank. Under the 'myths' pin, it is clear that a nano can easily meet or exceed the costs of running a 75G marine. Is anyone interested in writing up a clear and concise estimate of what a sample startup cost is? Would be nice if we could do one in dollars and pounds. If done well, we can pin it. Thanks. SH
id love to give one a go for the uk lads and lasses :) id probably do 3 types of setups, like FO, FOWLR and reef because costs are very different in those respects.
Dragging up an old thread, but i can add what it cost me in pounds, includes the stores i purchased from:

Initial Purchases

Tank & Stand - £130 - 10UK Gallons (freshwater cube) - Pets at Home
Powerhead - £27.99 - Maxijet 1200PH - ebay
Salt - £12.99 - Tropic Marin Pro Reef Salt 4KG - Local LFS
Bucket - £0.99 - ASDA Supermarket
Measuring/Mixing Jug - £0.50p - ASDA Supermarket
Saltwater Test Kit - £17.99 - PH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia - Local LFS
Hydrometer - £15.99 - Instant Ocean - Local LFS
Thermometer - £10.99 - Digital Thermometer - Local LFS
R.O water - £6.00 - 50 Litres - Local LFS
R.O water containers - £5 x 2 (£10) - Local LFS
Heater - £17.99 - Visitherm 50w Heater - Pets at Home
Algae Scrub - £1.99 - Local LFS

Total "Required" Purchases = £253.42

Live Rock & Sand

Sand - £12.99 - Aragonite - Local LFS
Live Rock - £60 (approx) - 6KG Fully Cured Live Rock - Local LFS

Total Live Rock and Sand = £72.99


Lighting (2x 18w T5 Tubes) - £7.95 x 2 (£15.90) -
Starter Unit for 18w T5 (already had one in hood) - £17.95 - Interpet -
Rowaphos (phosphate remover) - £7.99 - Local LFS
Additional Heater for water changes - £10.99 - Cheap 25w Heater - Local LFS
Additional Bucket - £0.99 - ASDA Supermarket

Total Optional = £53.82

Overall Cost = £380.23

Please bear in mind i do not run a skimmer or any other filteration bar Live Rock. This is simply the STARTUP costs for a 10UK Gallon Marine Tank, by no means is this what you must have, and you may wish to upgrade from my choices. This does not take into account costs for livestock, replacement water, filters, food, replacement test kits etc.
i would like to show it can be done for cheaper, but im not sure the mods would allow it as prices would be from my website, let me know if i can please
i would like to show it can be done for cheaper, but im not sure the mods would allow it as prices would be from my website, let me know if i can please

i dunno, as a sponsor i think if they're gonna let anyone do it they'd let you do it!!

at any rate anyone can find the prices from websites if they want to look themselves so i see no problem really with posting it, weather they'd pin it or not is a differnt story.

but as a sponsor you have youre own section of the forum which i assume you can advertise special offers and so on in, why not post in there with what you would do for a nano set up and prices, why not put a special discount package together for TFF members too ;) :shifty:
ive put up a fair comparison i think for a slightly smaller tank 30 litre cube, or a 45 litre rectangular tank, oops forgot the test kit, API for £20 extra
I threw mine together with homemade rock and materials I found around the house. So far I have spent around $5 on it, not counting the salt, R/O. However, I suppose if you count the costs it took to buy those materials originally (filter, lights, etc.) that price rises to about $75+, and just to be fair and cover everything, I'll say that my nano cost about $120.

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