Starting Up A Shrimp Tank!


New Member
Dec 5, 2010
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Hello I'm setting up a nano shrimp tank it's 15l and was wondering what good shrimp and plants there will be for it?

It is heated at 25c at the moment and has a air driven filter and will have a desk lamp for daytime lighting.
Hello I'm setting up a nano shrimp tank it's 15l and was wondering what good shrimp and plants there will be for it?

It is heated at 25c at the moment and has a air driven filter and will have a desk lamp for daytime lighting.

This is what I have in my 5g shrimp tanks
Mayasian drift wood
Coconut shell
Java moss
Weeping moss
Sponge filter(to increase beneficial bacteria colony)
Power filter(with sponge over the intake so no babies get sucked in)
Fluval shrimp substrate(black, round gravel)

With the Fluval substrate, it changed my pH from 7.7 to 7.0. I am breeding crystal reds so they prefer it. It's not necessary though unless you want to breed. The substrate also wears out after about a year so it has to be slowly replenished at that time.
Dwarf shrimp will be great for your nano. Cherries, Crystal red, any of the sakura shrimps. There are loads of different dwarf shrimps to choose from. Just make sure you don't keep different colors from the same family together as they will breed and produce undesirable stock.

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