Starting To Get Really Cheesed Off


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2005
Reaction score
Geraldton, Ontario, Canada
:angry: I have three 20gallon tanks, one has an alea problem, but it seems like every time I put P-Clear in the tank to help with the alea, one or more of my fish get sick and die. WHAT IS GOING ON! :angry:
Have you found the cause of the algae? What are you water params? Nitrite, nitrate, ammonia? Is your tank by the window at all? I wouldn't add any chemicals to the tank unless you have to. Maybe you can just scrape the algae off the window?
doing a quick search for p-clear
I found that it is not for algae per say but more for suspended particles in the tank.
Treats cloudy or green water
Hagen P-Clear immediately treats cloudy water resulting from suspended particulate matter. Particles such as suspended algae, dirt and silt that are too small to settle or be captured by a filter clump for easy control.

as far as I can asertain the active ingredient is barley straw extract and therefore should have absolutly no adverse effect on the water conditions.
The algae in my tank is suspended. It is not on any of my "toys" that are in the tank and the stats in this tank is the same as the other two that do not have the problem and they are not getting any direct sun. The glass stays clean and so does everything else.
If you are losing quite a few fish with no physical systoms maybe try an internal bacteria med.
The only time I loose fish is the day after I use the P-Clear I do not loose them at any other time. That is why I am so cofused. It just does not seem to make any sence to me.
Wouldn't use the product then, fish are sensitive to it, there must be something in it that the fish can't tolerate, does it say on the back what is added in the product.
When I get home I will write down the ingredients right now I am at work. I will definatly stop using the product because I would like to have a couple fish left in that tank. The closest place I can go to purchase more fish is a three hour drive to a city that has pet stores with live animals in it. Where I live we have pet supplies but that is about all.
Post ingredients then members can help you out.
It could just be coincidence and you should check your water params. Algae also tends to use up nitrAtes etc so maybe this product is causing a spike that your fish cannot tolerate? Kind of far-fetched, but possible :p
Went home and looked for the ingredients on the bottle. Guess What? There wasn't any listed anywhere. I have decided to stop using the product all together. The fish that are left seem perfectly happy swimming around even if the tank has algea in it.
Have you any room in your tank for some algae eaters they will take care of the algae for you.

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