Starting to breed Bettas!


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
I've set up a corner in one of my rooms in my house. It is well heated in the Winter and cool and the summer. I have a fry tank, Betta containers, breeding tank, and other Betta supplies. I'm stumped about a couple of things though.

-When my fry are born, when should I take them out of the breeding tank with the father in it?

- How long do they live off thier yolk sacks?

-Does anyone have experience with infusia? If so, could you please tell me what it looks like after being in a glass of water with lettuce and in sunlight, when it's ready?(Is there another meathod for getting infusia??? :huh: )EDIT: Is there another food that's good for newborn fry???

-When should the male fry come out of the fry tank?(Age)

-Does powdered flake food work as a good food when fry are big enough to eat it?

Thanks for any help givin! :D
betta breeding
might i direct you to the pinned topic by wuv as it should answer many of your questions. i'm glad you have given this all some thought as it's best to have as much prepared beforehand before jumping in. your fish will thank you for it, believe me ;)
StingrayKid said:
I've set up a corner in one of my rooms in my house. It is well heated in the Winter and cool and the summer. I have a fry tank, Betta containers, breeding tank, and other Betta supplies. I'm stumped about a couple of things though.

-When my fry are born, when should I take them out of the breeding tank with the father in it?

- How long do they live off thier yolk sacks?

-Does anyone have experience with infusia? If so, could you please tell me what it looks like after being in a glass of water with lettuce and in sunlight, when it's ready?(Is there another meathod for getting infusia??? :huh: )EDIT: Is there another food that's good for newborn fry???

-When should the male fry come out of the fry tank?(Age)

-Does powdered flake food work as a good food when fry are big enough to eat it?

Thanks for any help givin! :D
yes do cehck out the pinned topic that bkk is directing you too. However to answer your quesions..

1) I'ts not recommended that you moev the fry at all when they are born, most ppl remove the amle and elave the fry in teh breeding tank until they are old enough to be moved to a growout (usually around 1 month or so). They are too small to net and they are fragile enough as it is

2) i believe for 3 days the fry will live off their yolk sac, however i ntoice msot of my fry are free swimming by around 2 days or so. So it does vary slighty

3) Infoursia is just a general name for microsopic creatures that live in palnts and stuff (such as paramecia and other thigns ilke that) it's not really visible (i guses you can try to look), but the fry will usually "outgrow" before their first week is out.

4) the male comes ou tof the fry tank as sono as you seel the fry are free swimming. I usuallyt ake him out about 48 hours after the eggs have hatched (soemtiems earlier because i'm a paranoid)

5) Fry should be raised mostly on live food when they are young, for the first 3 or 4 weeks they should be given microwrms or bbs, powdered flake food usually isn't touched. I have hikari first bites as a "backup" in case my hatcheries and cultures fail, but i notice that the fry wont' usually eat them anyways. I got mine on frozen bloodwroms, crushed frozen brine shrimp and frozen daphia ariound 3 ro 4 weeks, but you should still keep some live food in the diet (i feed them live blackwroms).

anwyasy good luck :thumbs:
EDIT: Is there another food that's good for newborn fry???

yes, microworms are usually the best food for newborn fry, at around 7 days they shoudl be eating bbs. Here's how my feeding schedule goes:

2 days - start on micrworms
7 days - start on bbs
7 - 21 days - mixture of bbs and microwrms and some powdered flake food if there isnt' enough live
21 - 28 - crushed frozen blodowroms, crushed frozen brines rhimp, frozen daphnia and the bbs for some of the smaller fry that can't handle the frozen food yet. On occasion i add some mw and first bites to the list
28 + - most fry should be big enough to take down frozen bloodworms without having it crushed, so now i just feed them frozen stuff and live blackwroms.

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