Starting plan for marine tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
milton, cambridge, uk
Hi guys and girls, I have a tropical tank at the moment but want to finally setup a marine tank with 2 pterois antennata, and maybe a couple or three tangs. I have read that the lionfish need alot of room, for only one is said a 6'x2'x2' would be minimum, what tank size would i need for two of these wonderful fish?

Could someone give their advise on size of tank, and all the equipment i would need for the size of tank.

Also could someone advise on decor for the tank or possibly give a link to a site where i could get all the relevent info on setting up a tank for these fish.

Does anyone here keep lionfish and have pics of their tank?

I know it seems alot of possibly silly questions, but better the devil you know, then the devil you dont.

Cheers Scott
Im not an expert on lionfish but as for the tangs, 6x2x2 is not enough room for 3 tangs. I have a 4x2x2 and world war 3 brok eloose when i introduced too many. My new tank is being delivered sny day after monday (7x2x2.5) and i would love to put a 3rd tang in there. I just dont think i can get away with it though.
actually u need a 55 for 2 antenatta. They are actually almost dwarfs. They do not need a lot of room as they are lazy fish and like to sit around until nightfall when they hunt and u can keep any dwarf species in a 30 gallon. Volitans get to 15 " and so they need a lot of room. Russells and radiata get to 10" so u can add 1 in a 55 if it's by itself. if u have the 2 lions u cant add anything else as they will be eaten and if they are too big to be eaten than they will be too much bioload

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