Starting Over


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
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San Diego, Ca
I have a 100 gallon System II tank which I purchased along with the fish it housed about 1 1/2 years ago. It housed a lion, puffer, and maroon clown. My lion died and I am getting rid of the puffer this weekend. So, I am left with the maroon clown. I believe that it can be agressive, but hasn't shown signs of this (probably because of the fish it was with before-which it held its own with). I am concerned that when I add new fish he/she (BTW how do you tell) won't be very nice. Any ideas for fish to add and order to add them? I would like to get some cleaner fish and LR, but am trying to get ideas and do some research before doing anything.
there is nothing physical on the clownfish by which you can the sex. Clownfish have no pre determined sex when born so clownfish can change their sex by their "rank" in the school. The biggest and most aggressive clown in the school is the female. The 2nd biggest is the fertile male and every other fish is a nonfertile male. So since your clown has been the only clown in your tank for a while it probley has changed into a female cause there was no other more aggressive clowns. so if you want to get another clown for your tank make sure its a male cause if you add a female and yours is a female they will most likely kill each other. so next time you go to your LFS look at the maroon clowns and get one that isnt the biggest fish in the group but make sure the fish you add to your tank isnt bigger than yours. and for what else to add to your tank, since it is a pretty large tank you could put in some damsels which are pretty and are usally on the aggressive side like the maroon clown but most damsel's dont get to big. you could put alot of thing in just research alot about any fish before you get them. here is a link to a fish compatibility chart
Tangs, Anthias, Pseudoanthias, Angels, Dwarf Angels, and Wrasses would be my fish of choice in a 100g :)

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