Starting over 10 gallon-What fish to cycle with?


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Okay here is my situation:

My brother has a 10 gallon with 4 ghost shrimp, a male betta, 3 albino cories, and 2 green cories. His tank consisted of rainbow gravel, glow-in-the-dark plants and things like that. He mentioned that he wanted more of a natural look for his tank so I brought him to Walmart and let him pick out some gravel. He picked out a light brown color, which is very pretty. :D I also donated a couple of clippings from my live plants to his tank in exchange for his fake glow-in-the-dark ones. ;)

So we unplugged everything from the 10 gal. so we could remove the gravel and also do a water change. When everything was done, the gravel had turned the water completely brown! And I even washed the gravel thoroughly! I rinsed it in a big pot, twirled my hands through it to wash it all around, poured it in a big strainer, then repeated about 10 times. I didn't have anymore dechlor to change the water so I frantically ran out to walmart and bought a big bottle of it. I came back and emptied out almost all of the water (about 80%) I plugged everything back in and walked back to my room because my boyfriend and I had just rented movies for the night. I finished watching my movie and came out to check if the tank cleared up some more. I saw all of the cories laying on their sides, half-dead! The ghost shrimp and the betta were fine! I looked at the filter and it wasn't working! :-(

This resulted in 2 dead albino cories. :byebye: I flushed them and scooped the rest out. I dumped them into my tank in a panic and the rest all swam away. Still breathing hard and looking half-dead. I checked this morning and 2 out of 3 of the cories seem back to normal. The other green cory isn't moving and there is reddish pink around his eyes. :-(

I put the ghost shrimp in my breeding net with my baby mollies because they would be safe there I assumed. I only see 2 in the net now, so I suppose the other two jumped out. I didn't want to put them in my main tank because they would get eaten in 2 seconds. :nod:

The betta is in a small glass bowl with brown gravel and 3 live plants. It is about 1-2 gallons.

So I am re-doing the 10 gallon. New water, new gravel, new plants, everything! I need a fish to cycle it with, but it has to get along with a male betta as the male betta will go back into that tank as soon as it is cycled. Please help me out. :-(
If you've got another already established tank you could take some of your gravel and put it in bags and then put in the tank you are redoing to seed it with bacteria. Also use some filter media from your established tank and a couple ornaments and plants. You can always return everything to your other tank after the little tank has had a week or two to get established. If you can do all that your brother's tank will be practically instantly cycled.
maybe the gravel's paint is leaching into the tank?
I've had that happen to me with cheap gravel. The water turned red quite fast and after rinsing the gravel for an hour or so, i noticed it was losing it's color! Needless to say the betta died after a day
You could either add filter material from your established tanks (in your new filter preferably) or run your new filter in your established tank for a few days. Either way you should get a nice bacteria seed for the refurbished 10 gal, and no need to buy any more fish.

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