starting new reef tank

I would recommend a tank of 100l or more.
They are pretty good beginners fish and are quite hardy.
Please don't try to keep an anenome with them - they don't need it, they probably wont use it, and it will die unless you are experienced.
They can be a bit aggressive, so no other clowns.
If you want 2, you should get an established pair.
or if I were to get percula clowns it would be same conditions right thats what ive read and it also says if you get 2 young perculars you'll definately end up gettin a pair pretty confusing to me lol is this true
My brothers tomato clowns love bubble tip anenome's.
I would recomend you get one, they are not that exspensive.
I'm sorry, but that is very poor advice.
It is very inadvisable for anyone without experience to keep an anemone.
The vast majority of them will die in a short time without the correct care.

The fact that they are not expensive doesn't mean it's ok to buy one then watch it die slowly (and possibly then to go and buy another one).
people that do research on things do not nessersarly need the experience. I research and mine is going fine. Mind you i have only had it for bout 1 month.

Thanks for correcting me anyways
SmellyAngryMan - I don't mean to sound like I'm having a go, just trying to provide the best advice.

I hope yours does well, but unfortunately it is not usually the case - and 1 month is still fairly early days.

With good research and meticulous care it is certainly possible to keep an anemone, even with little experience.
However, in the majority of cases, anemones die when bought by beginners - I speak from experience. Although I feel I now have the knowledge to be able to keep more difficult species, I would still be very hesitant about getting one.

Also, tomato clowns are less likely than some others to actually use an anemone.

willtang - i am not sure how much previous experience you have, or if you are the kind of person that will spend a lot of time making sure conditions are perfect - if you think you can handle it then go for it, but you have been warned.
i've been researching for nearly a year now because last year I was going to set one up but then I was busy so then had to abort it for the meanwhile. so iam thinking of getting live rock about 3 hermit crabs and 2 common clowns maybe or tomato's is there anything I should know
Iam not going to keep anemones in the first place sorry for everyone troubling over it .iam going to gt some livrock does anyone know good website in the uk tht sell liverock? and thanks all the help :D :D :D

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