Fish Fanatic
so i have a few questions..ok so im gonna get a 55 gallon tank,Is this a good tank size to start with??
And do i really need to have live rock?i heard things about worms and i really dont wanna deal with that..i'm a girl so ekkk
the type of fishes that i wanna keep are clown fish,3 stripe damsels,yellow tang,cardinal fish...can all those coexiest together in peace or no?
do i really need a skimmer?its sooo damn expensive..
And do i really need to have live rock?i heard things about worms and i really dont wanna deal with that..i'm a girl so ekkk
the type of fishes that i wanna keep are clown fish,3 stripe damsels,yellow tang,cardinal fish...can all those coexiest together in peace or no?
do i really need a skimmer?its sooo damn expensive..