Starting Marine Need Advice


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2007
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England, Manchester
Hello I am new to keeping marine fish and i need some advice.
I have severel opions:
1. I could get a nano tank with built in skimmer and uv sterelizer and filters.
2.I could get a bigger 3ft ish tank like rio 125 will the filter be enough on its own to sustain corrals or will i need skimmers and external filtes (limited by mony). If i had a bigger tank with no skimmer will i only be able to have fish only or is it jst not suitable to have marine without a skimmer.
I have heared that nanos are harder to look after as they are more frigile.
I need to know where to start and i need to start somewhere.
Dont wory not going into this head first thats why i am asking .
nanos are harder for most people to start out with, so i would suggest you go with the bigger tank, if you want to have corals your gonna need to have 1.5-2.0lbs lr/per gallon and that would be your main filtration, you would also probably need a protien skimmer since its going to be a larger tank and less water changes, marine is possible with out skimmers tho., you will need to buy some better lights since its going to be a reef tank
could i just start off with fish only and then maby when it has settteld and i have recoverd my walet then get a skimmer and start adding corals and invertibrates later?
you could start with fo, then get a protien skimmer if u use one, then get cured liverock 1.5-2lb/ga , then upgrade lights, then go reef

just remember to pick reefsafe fish/inverts
plus the time it takes to recharge your wallet with money gives you time for the tank to mature and for you to do more research before you go reef.
Gr8 thanks and another thing what sort of depth and type of substrate is best for watchman goby because they like burowing and sifting through the sand dont they?

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