Starting Groups Of Fish


Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Lanarkshire, Scotland
Hi, i have a Fluval 125 l tank and i'm half way through the fishless cycle. I would like five small groups of fish (6 of each if possible) The fish i have in mind are Lemon Tetras, Red Phantom Tetras, Gold Barbs, and Panda Corys. The fifth group, again if possible would be one of the following, Glowlight, Flame, Cardinal, Neon Tetras or zebra Danios. What one of this group would add the best colour, be compatable, and perhaps swim in a different level of the tank as the other four. thank in advance for any advice, Alan
Hi Alan,
I'm not sure about 5 or 6 different groups of six in a 125l. A selection of maybe three groups of 6-8 fish would be best, especially if you're adding Corys, too. Too many groups can be very distracting to look at. Lots of fish prefer decent sized groups of their own kind. Neon Tetras and Cardinal Tetras shouldn't really be added until a tank has been cycled AND matured; this can take a good 4-5 months. Neons aren't particularly strong these days, unfortunately. Zebra Danios may feel a little restricted in a 125l, as they are VERY active fish and need swimming space. Keep looking at different fish, you may find something you prefer, but, as I said, three groups of 6-10 fish each would be much better to look at than five or six smaller groups.
Yes, kind of agree with vinylman. And someone correct me, but I'm remembering lemon tetras as a bit nippy compared to some of the others under discussion.

hi, i have a 125l as well, i decided to go for one larger shoal of 12 and then a smaller shoal of 6,

i went for 12 harliequins and 6 dwarf rainbows...looks very good...

its a personal choice but sometimes larger shoals can look better than lots of small shoals...

good luck whatever u decide

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