starting a tank cycle


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
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Start my foray into saltwater reef aquariums last far just have sand and some live rock. Plan on getting more sand and rest of rock this weekend. My question is this.........will the live rock live sand start the cycling process or do i need to add fish like damsels or something else better?
Id post in the marine section of the forum. This section is for newbies introducing themselves.
Hi Mordrath :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

I'll move your thread to the salt water section so you can get information from those who specialize in that area.

Enjoy your stay with us! :D
If you bought good stuff your cycle is already done!

Do me a favor go to your tank and pull out some live rock, get your face right up to it and give it a sniff. If it smells like suphur you need to give it a while to cure, for all the dead atter to decay and fall off, if it doesn't smell like sulfur its already cured and you can start adding the fish you wan't to (although a Damsel is a mean fish and will be a problem if you like dosile fish) Are you planning on haveing corals?
Hi and welcome to the marine forum of TFF. :kana:
How much live rock? what size tank? do you know what the ammonia/ nitrite/ nitrate levels are?
-Once you have answered these questions it will be easier to help you.
I bought live rock right out of the tanks at my lfs. Came home, put it in the tank and watched for nearly 2 weeks, but I had NO ammonia spike. I had 6lbs of rock in a 10 gallon tank and that was enough to instantly be cycled. I did get some more rock when I got my first fish and everything's been right on track.
It would help if we had more information the type of rock wer you got it if its cured ammonia/nitrIe/nitrAte/salinity if your going reef size tank how many pounds of rock. Thanks and welcome to the forum

Thanks a billion to all who have replied with their info..........been helpful to say the least and appreciate being made like i belong here and not some dork noob( which i am) :D. I was led to believe that damsels were decent fish for a docile tank, but still havent gotten info on fish and corals i am interested in.......just want to get the tank running and make sure i have that down and ready before venturing forth more. While that is going is when i plan to get my info for livestock. Tons of reading and filtering of info in this hobby :-( :D . As for the rock i have dont know exactly what kind it is but i do have about 40-45 lbs in a 36 gallon tank.
as for the levels in tank .........i have no idea yet.......the kit i bought was just for nitrates, phosphates and calcium.......i read it wrong thinking it had those PLUS the others for ammonia and such :S doh arg and ack. GOOD thing i am taking it slow..if anyone has info as to what line of tests i should have available( other than the basics) it would be much appreciated.
i would add something.. even if its just a small shrimp to the tank to keep the rock from losing its bacteria. with nothing to feed the rock it will redice its bio capacity.

As for damsels.. keep clear of them, they are most definately NOT peaceful. a very hardy fish maybe but not one to add to your tank (ask aquascaper :p )

As a start out test kit, i would recomend Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and PH. Later you can add calium phosphates etc.

with so much liverock in the tank (and assuming the liverock is cured) then you shoud be fine to add fish

Last thing springs to mind... try and have a strong flow in the tank. you will inevitably get algae and cyano outbreaks in a new tank and an increased flow will help with this.

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