Starting a planted tank


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Aug 26, 2024
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So I have a few questions, I feel as though I may have emerged myself too much in high tech YouTuber setups which is why I want to clarify I am going to be doing everything correctly.
Firstly, I am planning on using aqua soil (people have told me it is a waist of money, but I would rather buy it) - on YouTube people use soils and then powders and then aqua soil and sand on top, does it matter if I just use aqua soil ? Also, does the tank have to be cycled and established before I adding plants ( I didn’t think it did, but I don’t want to make any mistakes). Do plants require specific temperatures ? And finally, will this list of plants be OK in a well lit, no CO2 and no fertiliser thank ?
- Anubias, Monte Carlo, pearlweed, hornwort, jungle valley, ambulia, java fern, hair grass ? Also, what is a snail or shrimp I can add that would be fine to go with a betta and not mass produce like crazy?
Thank you.
No, the tank does not need to be cycled before adding plants. There MAY be some exceptions but I don't know of any.

Unless there is a specific plant that needs soil I would not use. Using soil usually ends up being more of a hassle than it is worth. I have no idea as to some of the plants you list but some, such as Anubias and java fern should not even be planted in the substrate but, rather, attached to rocks or other decor. If you do put Anubias and java fern in the substrate you have to make sure that the rhizome, normally a black or dark brown band just above the root cluster, is above the top of the substrate or the plant will almost always rot.

I'm not a shrimp person although I think them sort of cool. I am also not a beta person. Still I would not put shrimp in a tank with a beta unless you don't want the shrimp to survive as the beta will probably see them as food.
No, the tank does not need to be cycled before adding plants. There MAY be some exceptions but I don't know of any.

Unless there is a specific plant that needs soil I would not use. Using soil usually ends up being more of a hassle than it is worth. I have no idea as to some of the plants you list but some, such as Anubias and java fern should not even be planted in the substrate but, rather, attached to rocks or other decor. If you do put Anubias and java fern in the substrate you have to make sure that the rhizome, normally a black or dark brown band just above the root cluster, is above the top of the substrate or the plant will almost always rot.

I'm not a shrimp person although I think them sort of cool. I am also not a beta person. Still I would not put shrimp in a tank with a beta unless you don't want the shrimp to survive as the beta will probably see them as food.
I have been told a few times that seiryu stone raises Ph, but would it matter that much if I only had around 2 rocks in a 50l tank ?
Drop some vinegar on them and if it foams, I will have a measurable impact on KG.

It's really preferable to use inert rocks in an aquarium, except if you are trying to achieve a specific hardness.

Of course if you are keen on water changes the impact should be minimized a lot.

But it's an ongoing process until depletion.
Just a side question that is related...

Does it matter what kind of vinegar is used to test a rock or is just the general acidic nature? I figure the kind of vinegar does not matter but, for clarity as this is often recommended, it is not bad to clarify. ;) I've never done this test myself but I only use slate, lava rock, granite and marble.
I use white vinegar... I never tried anything else, but I imagine, it's the concentration of acid that counts.
You can also use an API a liquid test kit, Nitrate Bottle 1 to test on rocks. (Hydrochloric acid)
You can also use an API a liquid test kit, Nitrate Bottle 1 to test on rocks. (Hydrochloric acid)
Cool info and I had no clue on that. LOL! Since I buy vinegar in gallon jugs it is probably cheaper than an API regent. Still who ever uses all the API nitrate regents before they expire? ;)

Very good info! THANKS! :)

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