Starting a new tank


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Alrighty, so as we all know, fish keeping is totally and completely addicting, so I may end up getting a new tank this week. Part of the reason though, is because of my fighting dwarf gouarmis, and I think it would be best to seperate them, I just can't bring myself to take one back to the store when they're so wonderful otherwise. Anyways, I'm interested in getting a smaller tank, since I really don't have room at all, I may end up with a 5 gallon. I have several questions.

I realize this new tank will need to be cycled, but (should I?) will adding water from my old tank help this at all? I don't know if I want to add gravel, since it will be a completely different color. What are ways I can help keep it safe for whatever fish I put in the new tank during the cycle? I'll add some filter floss from my old tank... but what else, if anything?

What fish would be good to keep in my new tank, if it's 5 gallons, and includes a dwarf gouarmi?

Is there a small heater I can stick in there that's cheap but will work well? The tank I'm looking at includes a filter, light, and hood, but I will still need a heater.

Any other advice would be great, thanks.
hmm well i think your gona have 2 live with the gravel, and it will speed up cycling very much and im not sure if you can cycle a gournime but i think they are very hardy, as for tank mates i would highly recomend 3 or 2 cories(albino) they will eat the uneaten food and such, they are also very cool fish and wont get picked or will pick on your dwarf. cories like 2 be in schools so its recomended 2 have atleast 2 for them 2 be happy
The water from an already colonized and estblished tank doesn't help much, imo. I'm sure there are others that think otherwise and their opinions are just as important, but I don't feel like the water helps much at all, if any.

It's the filter material and then the gravel that matters, imo. Even plastic plants help more than water, imo.

Edit: If you don't want to mix the gravel...put the established gravel into a nylon and then later on take it out and you won't have to mix it. :)

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