Starting a catfish tank


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2005
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I just got a 45gal for free and I was thinking of ideas on what to stock it with. It is 36L x 12W x 24H. I don't really know what kind of catfish to put in it but I would like a catfish similar looking to a channel cat but of course that doesn't grow as big as one. I read the index that you can keep a shovelnose in a 55gal. Would a 45 gal be too high and not long enough? I might just put a some species of synodontis and a plec and put some cichlids but would much prefer a catfish tank. I love plecos and I love synodontis angelicus. If anyone can provide any help that would be great.
Despite what you may have read, shovelnoses are massive catfish and a 55 gallon is not even close to enough for one. Synodontis area much wiser idea.

I personally think it makes more sense to have some open water fish with them, otherwise there's a lot of wasted space in the top three quarters of the tank and very often a very empty looking aquarium, especially since yours is so tall. If you choose cichlids as tankmates mid dwellers would be the ideal choice. Most cichlids are bottom dwellers and would be competing for space with the catfish, and by the sounds of it the catfish are going to be the centerpiece so it would be best to give them the whole tank.

Because your tank is so tall, the volume makes it sound larger then it really is. A 33 gallon tank has the same footprint as your 45, and this is all that matters, as surface area is where the real estate is measured. Choosing smaller species allows for more fish (and in turn more activity) and gives the fish more room to live.

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