Starting A 20gallon Puffer Tank


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Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
Hi, I looked into starting a puffer tank last year but it, never happened and I managed to forget everything about them. I was thinking a 60 gallon green spotted puffer tank then, but now I'm going to use my 20 gallon.

Just starting research and everything but it would save me alot of time if someone could suggest some species. So some puffers species that I could have at least two of in a 20 gallon. I was hoping figure eights but can't find consistent minimum tank size for them on the internet.
If you are set on more then one puffer, in a 20 gallon tank, you are looking at Dwarf Puffers and not much else

2 Figure Eights would probably need a min 29/30 depending on temperment.

Can't really think of another species that would be ok in a tank that small.
Alright, I wanted something bigger but dwarf puffers will be fine, there are South Americans at the lfs but I'm thinking that they need more like 30 gallons too
Check out the puffers in aquaria thread at the top of the page.
I read that but not sure on what it means to me.

Colomesus asellus - South american puffer. Max out at 4" and are mostly timid enough to cohabit with other creatures. ... a 30g tank could house 3, but I wouldn't keep one in less than 20g. They're fast moving and very active. If you see these fish in a store, you will recognise them as swimming bumblebees.

Do two work in a 20g?
I read that but not sure on what it means to me.

Colomesus asellus - South american puffer. Max out at 4" and are mostly timid enough to cohabit with other creatures. ... a 30g tank could house 3, but I wouldn't keep one in less than 20g. They're fast moving and very active. If you see these fish in a store, you will recognise them as swimming bumblebees.

Do two work in a 20g?

You could keep 1 SAP in a 20g.
Have you looked at the Carinotetraodon's as they mostly stay small, you could get one of them in that tank....
There are a couple of choices, you could keep dwarf puffers, and more than three of them. I would go for 10 in a twenty gallon. (i know this is going against the 'rules' but i guarantee that it will be absolutely fine if the tank is heavily planted and the puffers fed each day).

Alternatively you could keep red eye red tailed puffers, such as the relatively peacefull (for a puffer, so still aggressive) carinotetraodon irrubesco. A pair would be fine.
There are a couple of choices, you could keep dwarf puffers, and more than three of them. I would go for 10 in a twenty gallon. (i know this is going against the 'rules' but i guarantee that it will be absolutely fine if the tank is heavily planted and the puffers fed each day).

I'd be wary of this. I kept 3 in a 20g, and added a single new puffer, and he didn't last. I would have assumed something similar, like 10 in a 20g, but it didn't work out for me. Of course other people's experience may vary, but I thought I'd offer the other side of the coin.
Id go with Fella on this, is it worth the risk to try cram 10 of them in a 20 gall tank....also remember the tank will be 20Gall empty, then take off gravel, plants, filter, heater the tank is more like 15 Gall usable space. I would be more inclined to do one Dwarf per 3-4 Galls so maybe 5 at a push, this would give them space to move and if needs be avoid each other :)
Dwarf puffers dont take kindly to new arrivals, which probably explains why fellas was killed, if all had been added together they would more likely have been fine.

Puffers personalities vary a lot between fish, and so you may end up with a troublesome one, but if all are added together, are fed reasonably and you keep your eye on the pecking order, you shouldnt have any trouble at all.

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