Starting a 20 gallon tank


New Member
Dec 2, 2004
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I migrated fish from a badly overstocked 20 g tank to a 55.

I wanted to heavily plant the old twenty and put it up in my bedroom.

What are good fish to use, so that I don't have to worry about them growing and inadvertantly overstocking the tank?

Also, what are good plants to get for a tank that size?
How tall is the tank? How strong will the lights be?

Angelfish and anabantoids are good for broad leafed plants. However, angels are a no-go in a 20 gallon tank. :/
It's a standard 20 gallon rectangle tank. Don't know the height. I guess about 18 inches?

I have a plant bulb in the tank.

Shame on you for using such a big word with a beginner (anabatoid?). ;) Thank god for the internet. :D
Danios are good, Zebra or Leopard. They are fun, active, "hyper" fish. They do not grow very big, so stocking isn't a big issue. They grow to like 2.5 inches....

The trick to stocking a tank is to stock for the adult size of the fish, not how big they are when you buy them. That way you don't end up accidently overstocking.
Anabantoids is the general name given to labyrinth fish such as bettas, ctenopomas and gouramies. In actual fact not all these fish are anabantoids but nevermind (gouramies are belontidae not anabantidae...) :p

Anyway... good fish for a 20 gallon are most of the smaller rasboras, barbs, danios and tetras, dwarf, pearl, honey, thick-lipped, giant/striped/banded/indian and sparkling or croaking gouramies, otos and smaller plecos and corydoras catfish. Some cichlids also work.

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