Fish Crazy
I am planning my transition into keeping marine fish (tank will be set up and ready for fish about October this year) and could use some advice.
I will be having my new tank deliverd about July/Aug time and will be setting it up and introducing my live rock (not sure how much to buy though or what kind is good, yet) before then in preperation.
I have had a look through a marine book which I bought and like the idea of keeping the following fish:
1. Yellow Sailfin Tangs, maybe 2?
2. Blue Surgeonfish
3. Clownfish (I can't buy a marine set up without Nemo, my son would never forgive me
4. Angelfish
5. Butterflyfish
6. Firefish
7. and a clean up crew
Please bear in mind before ripping my choices to shreads that I have only picked out fish which I like the look of and are not poisonious
, the book which I have bought really only lists pictures and does not go into each fishs temprament which is why I am trying to plan ahead and avoid mistakes.
So feel free with your advice.
By the way the tank will be an Aquamedic Anthias 120 (550 litres, 122 gal).
I am planning my transition into keeping marine fish (tank will be set up and ready for fish about October this year) and could use some advice.
I will be having my new tank deliverd about July/Aug time and will be setting it up and introducing my live rock (not sure how much to buy though or what kind is good, yet) before then in preperation.
I have had a look through a marine book which I bought and like the idea of keeping the following fish:
1. Yellow Sailfin Tangs, maybe 2?
2. Blue Surgeonfish
3. Clownfish (I can't buy a marine set up without Nemo, my son would never forgive me

4. Angelfish
5. Butterflyfish
6. Firefish
7. and a clean up crew
Please bear in mind before ripping my choices to shreads that I have only picked out fish which I like the look of and are not poisonious

So feel free with your advice.
By the way the tank will be an Aquamedic Anthias 120 (550 litres, 122 gal).