Sps In Jbj Nanocube ?


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
UK, east midlands
Hello all...
-I currently have a Nanocube 24g with all the stock features (apart from additional flow),i was wondering if any of you ever have had any success with keeping sps under these conditions ?

Thanks, JakeKM
With the tank as stock its not likely to do very well.

However if you upgrade the flow (quite a lot) and replace the hood with a clip on MH light it would work well. If you can adding a sump as well would be a big help.
plating montipora and montipora digita can be kept in nanos under the 36W PC lights. Seen a few people grow them nicely. But as barney says, SPS corals do best under strong light and lots of flow. Not ideal for nanos as they hammer some of the elements in the water too.
Cheers for the advice guys, i was thinking plating montipora, they hade a few nice specimens at my LFS but if its not going to work then maybe i won't make a purchase.
All softies in there ATM.
you can keep certain sps under the stock lights but water conditions must be very good for all sps and thats where amny have problems in such a small quantity of water.
i managed to keep an encrusting montipora and a small acropora. i've seen other montipora kept in them.

if you do wanna try it go for a small frag of something and put it high up on th erockwork and in good flow and see what happens. £10 of frag isn't alot to lose if it does go wrong.
Thanks Anguilla82
-water params test fine.
-I was thinking of a very small frag, just to see how things go.


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