The whole repair shouldnt take more than 24 hours at the very most. Id have 2 buckets one for plants/wood other for fish. Filter the fish and just add an airstone to the plants if you really want to. It wont need light for that short time span.
Once done strip out gravel and everything else. Once tank is completely empty clean the area where its leaking. Remember to seal well past the leaking spota nice layer all down the side of the leak. USe a moist finger to shape the sealant. Once sealed leave it overnight to properly set (you dont want to get too far ahead and refil tank to find it still leaks)
Next get the tank filled with water and water alone and leave it for a few hours at least (this will make sure that it doesnt still leak) If you are happy its not leaking, empty tank and then refill again (this is so you are washing any fumes from the sealant away)
Then comes the fun bit refilling and scaping the tank, and adding the fish back (just remember to dechlorinate the water prior to adding filter back on the tank, dont want to kill your bacteria in the rush to get it up and running again)