sprucing up the goldies tank


fancy goldfish rule!!!
Jan 6, 2005
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Jersey, Channel Islands, UK
I need some ideas on how I can make my coldwater tank look nicer. At the minute it is home to 2 fancy tailed goldies and has natural coloured gravel and a rock archway thing. But it looks really boring. I was thinking of adding bog wood and some live plants like vallis as I seem to get on well with this plant (the tanks temp ranges from 65f to 75f throughout the year with no heater) but I dunno if the fish will eat the vallis.

or i could move the fancy tailed goldies to the new pond but the temp in the pond is around 50f to 60f and i dont know if they will like it. then i could turn the tank into a tropical tank

Any one have any suggestions?
Adding bogwood can bring the ph down a little and the goldies prefer it to be high, but they seem to leave java fern alone.
I have seen tanks where the gravel has been completely removed and plants added to small containers such as candle holders with gravel in and those scattered around the tank, and river rocks used on the bottom, those look really nice.
Most plants do get eaten but the broader leaved ones seem to do better but with the tank being lower in temperature then it may be harder finding hardier ones.
theres a lot of plastic and silk plants around that look very realistic as well.

The pond idea is good as well as you will be giving the fish more room.

dont think ive been much help in helping you decide i'm araid. good luck whichever way you go. :thumbs:
how many gallons does the tank hold?

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