Spray Bar

In a planted tank you don't want a lot of agitation so below the surface would be best
I was reading that you must make sure you have good water circulation.
If not it can cause Algae
That’s why I arks the question
What is Good Circulation???

Thanks for all the replays its all appreciated
Hey kj23502,

I think the for low aeration in planted aquariums is to make sure the CO2 isn't escaping. If there is very little disruption on the top of the water, then there will be less chance for the CO2 to escape, so the plants will be able to take it up. Hope this helps!
Hey kj23502,

I think the for low aeration in planted aquariums is to make sure the CO2 isn't escaping. If there is very little disruption on the top of the water, then there will be less chance for the CO2 to escape, so the plants will be able to take it up. Hope this helps!
Thanks, I was wondering if that has something to do with it. So there wouldn't be any less oxygen in the water for the fish? I'm thinking of doing a planted brackish tank.
Hey kj23502,

I think the for low aeration in planted aquariums is to make sure the CO2 isn't escaping. If there is very little disruption on the top of the water, then there will be less chance for the CO2 to escape, so the plants will be able to take it up. Hope this helps!
Thanks, I was wondering if that has something to do with it. So there wouldn't be any less oxygen in the water for the fish? I'm thinking of doing a planted brackish tank.

In a planted tank the plants would be giving of oxygen anyway.

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