Spray Bar Woes


New Member
Mar 6, 2007
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I've got a Fluval 600 Uno 60L aquarium, which has a Fluval 2+ internal filter.

After running with that for a while, I decided to switch to using a spray bar on the outlet. I have the Hagen spray bar, which fits the pump outlet OK, but the sucker cups that fit the spray bar to the tank ar so huge, they place the spray bar so low I had to remove some water to have the spray bar actually exhaust at the surface.

Now I either need a smaller spray bar, smaller suckers or a different mounting, as the water level is now below the lid, which doesn't look right.

Anyone else had similar troubles?
The idea behind the spray bar is usually for planted tanks like mine (dont think you can see it in the avatar)

I have a Fluval 3 plus and the filter is 2" below the water surface and also the spray bar. This means that it doesn't disturb the surface too much which would drive off my CO2.

The length of tube you get with these spraybars should mean that ifyou so wish you can get the spray bar level with the water surface.

It doesnt matter if the whole sucker is not submerged, that is probably why they are so big, because the smaller suckers tend not to stick too well out of the water.
The idea behind the spray bar is usually for planted tanks like mine (dont think you can see it in the avatar)
Hmm. I thought it was to increase surface turbulence...

The length of tube you get with these spraybars should mean that ifyou so wish you can get the spray bar level with the water surface.
Yeah, in my 2' tank that tube is more than enough to fit it anywhere.

It doesnt matter if the whole sucker is not submerged, that is probably why they are so big, because the smaller suckers tend not to stick too well out of the water.
I suspect that they might interfere with the lid. I guess if a 2/3 sucker works, then I could simply cut off the excess.

The good news, for me, is that the 'oily' film on the surface is now history, and the general impact on water quality seems to be very positive, as the clarity of the water is now improving rapidly.
spray bars can be used for either, placed above the water they will increasure surface agitiation, placed under water they reduce water movement

you could always put it under water but with the holes pointing upwards to the surface, you should find this breaks the water surface up a bit, probably not quite as well as if it was falling onto the water but maybe a good compromise
you could always put it under water but with the holes pointing upwards to the surface, you should find this breaks the water surface up a bit, probably not quite as well as if it was falling onto the water but maybe a good compromise
I think I'll try that - even now it's only just at the surface, so it's not as if it's really churning it up - which I wouldn't want anyway.

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