Simon B
New Member
Should the spray bar ripple the surface of the water and there by increasing the surface area available for OXygen exchange OR should the spray bar actually break the surface of the water i.e. create a splashing effect where the water is falling from the spray bar into the water?
The tank is a 150l oblong shape, I have an Eheim external classic 2213, and an in-line UV filter just to be on the safe side, the aquarium is well planted has cycled and currently has 2 Clown plecs and d a Bristle nose cat in there
The tank is a 150l oblong shape, I have an Eheim external classic 2213, and an in-line UV filter just to be on the safe side, the aquarium is well planted has cycled and currently has 2 Clown plecs and d a Bristle nose cat in there