Spray Bar Question

Simon B

New Member
May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
Should the spray bar ripple the surface of the water and there by increasing the surface area available for OXygen exchange OR should the spray bar actually break the surface of the water i.e. create a splashing effect where the water is falling from the spray bar into the water?

The tank is a 150l oblong shape, I have an Eheim external classic 2213, and an in-line UV filter just to be on the safe side, the aquarium is well planted has cycled and currently has 2 Clown plecs and d a Bristle nose cat in there


on each of my tanks the spray bar is different, as long as it breaks the water tensionto cause oxygen and water to mix) on the surface in my view i see no difference. I am sure someone can give a more detailed explanation!
I would just barly ripple the surface if you have CO2 injection.

If not, it really just needs to break the tention of the surface, like cry said.
mine doesnt even cause a slight ripple i have it vertically in the tank to blast water onto the heater. the surface does a perfectly good job of transfusing the air. the main reason fish bowls are no good is the surface aria is too small "without plants", alltho its imo good to have more air in the water to redress the ballance of the plants and fish its not essential.

edit: marineland man im not shure wich number ehiem ive got but i think they do all come with spray bars

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