Spray bar - dead spot or low flow area under it?


Fish Fanatic
Tank of the Month 🏆
Dec 1, 2021
Reaction score
Hi All,

In the corner under my spray bar the flow is weaker and the detritus seems to like building up there, i have a Rio 240 tank so 1.2m wide with a Aqua One Aquis Series 2 1250 filter on it. (1400ltr per hour)

It only becomes noticable about half way through the week as it slowly builds up and i just vac it out on the weekend (once a week water changes.)

My question is would a hole in the bottom of the spray bar help stop it from all accumulating there or mayby another hole at the end of it to see about more flow? I'm going to move those stones around too to make sure they arent impacting the flow too much.

Nice tank. I have experimented with my spray bar and I find it works best when placed above the tank so that the stream of water is agitating the surface. When I tried it mounted below the surface of the water I lost most of the beneficial current flow. I cannot run it above the water because my wife doesn't like the noise so I have gone back to a single directed nozzle, primarily to slowly push the waste material towards the filter intake.

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