spotty tetra


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Devon, UK
I need some advice on a black phantom tetra I have, he is in a shoal of 5, but he alone has developed large white areas on his body, ie scales missing of roughly just larger than the size of his eye.

They have been there for a while, well one has and he has slowly over maybe 2-3 months developed another two maybe three areas, I didnt treat intially as I thought it was mechanical injury ie it hadnt grown just appeared and I thought he had had a tiff with one of the other fish and lost some scales, all would be well and they would grow back. :no:

But now there are more, not spreading to any other fish but growing, so far I have used a white spot cure (thinking it could have been a cyst even though there is evidence for this, the spots are way too big for white spot and there was no sign of white spot before) and my-something (not sure of the name) for fungus.......with no sign of improvement, infact when treating is the only time they seem to get worse if anything but they did look a little 'fluffy' and fungus like but then so does a damaged area without scales.

What could it be? how else could I treat it? Do scales like this grow back, could it be like scar tissue, I have killed the cause but the effects will last? Could this be hurting him, should I put him out of his misery as nothing else is working to help him?

Please dont think Ive been a bad 'mum' not doing anything to help him, but he hasnt appeared at all unwell and I have been through huge hassle having to move house unexpectatly this month, but now we are settling and well he is starting to look unwell.

During the move I 'lost' my two mollies and the betta I dont want to lose this one, but need a healthy tank before I can look at restocking at all.
Is it possible that someone is biting him? I'd strongly suggest isolating him and treating him with an anti internal bacteria medication, since the anti-fungal isn't working. My concern is that this fish has TB, which causes ulcers under the scales. Is he particularly thin?
no not overly thin, normal looking

it is only that I introduced another phantom later than him that I can tell however that he has not grown as well as this later addition (which started off a bit smaller)

I didnt think it was something so serious, is TB consistant with no others becoming unwell and this fish living for so long? and where would it have come from, I had this fish maybe 2 months before it got unwell

but anyway, he is in solitary confinement now, thanks for answering the post :) sounds like its bad news though :( I cant get out today (I moved to a village and my partner has the car.........there is no escape to the shops.........Arrrggghhh :look: ) but I will get whatever you suggest.....can you suggest an product by name please....I really dont trust the LFS :no:
no not overly thin, normal looking

it is only that I introduced another phantom later than him that I can tell however that he has not grown as well as this later addition (which started off a bit smaller)

Sounds like he's stunted. Definitely something seriously wrong with that fish.

I didnt think it was something so serious, is TB consistant with no others becoming unwell and this fish living for so long? and where would it have come from, I had this fish maybe 2 months before it got unwell

Fish TB is rather different to the human variety (caused by a different germ). It generally comes on slowly and can take an awful long time to kill a fish. Like a lot of things, prevention is better than cure: TB tends to affect fish who's immune systems have been damaged in some way (such as being in an uncycled tank for long periods, or old age).

The fish TB germ is endemic (i.e. all over the place), rather like ich, but it doesn't usually affect healthy fish.

There are other internal infections, of course, most of which cannot be identified except by post-mortem. You want him out of that tank because whatever it is, even if the other fish are healthy now, if they snack on the body when he dies, they could contract whatever it is.

but anyway, he is in solitary confinement now, thanks for answering the post sounds like its bad news though I cant get out today (I moved to a village and my partner has the car.........there is no escape to the shops.........Arrrggghhh ) but I will get whatever you suggest.....can you suggest an product by name please....I really dont trust the LFS

As you live in a village (as I do), you really need to get to know the online suppliers now. I recommend Aquatics Warehouse, Aquatics Online and Tri-Mar (for live fish).

The medication you can try (although I'm not optimistic) is Interpet's Internal Bacteria No.8, which is available from Aquatics Warehouse or Aquatics Online.

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